Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday's Favorites

Phew...It's FINALLY Friday!  Do you look forward to Friday as much as me?  Well, it has been a long week of errands, a teething baby, a sassy toddler and a busy hubby!  I am looking forward to this Mother's Day weekend and hoping for a date night.

To start off my Friday's Favorites I must admit that I have started to coupon!!!!!!  I have been wanting to for a long time and now that things are (semi) back to normal after having my second baby, I decided to start the ever infamous coupon fad.  I signed up for a monthly trial of Couponsense after talking to my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law.  I like it but it kills me to have to pay monthly for it.  So, after looking around on the internet, I found a website that I LOVE, called  Krazy Coupon Lady found HERE!  It is great!  I almost like it better than couponsense and its free. So, if you are looking for some ways to save here and there, check it out!

Another fav of mine is this wonderful shampoo & conditioner by Aveeno.

 It smells good and it leaves my hair feeling SO healthy.  I have fine hair and it can get weighted down by certain shampoo & especially conditoner products, but this one is great.  The one I use is for Fine Hair that is color preserving.  I think they have one for mostiourizing, one for volumizing and one for nourishing.  I bought mine at my favorite store...TARGET for around $6.

Since I have a teething baby girl, this teething toy has been great!

My mom sent it for Addy in the mail a couple weeks back and she just loves it!  It is called Manhattan Toy Winkel.  It is great because it is easy for her to hold and it is colorful and you can put it in the fridge or freezer.  Thanks again, Mom!

Hope everyone has a Fabulous Mother's Day and you get pampered or just a little quiet time!

p.s. I was so excited to get featured on the amazing blog Under the Table and Dreaming for my Bow Tote Bag!  Go check it out.  (Once you click on the link you have to scroll down a bit and then you will see some craft ideas she chose to feature, including mine!

* I was not paid to talk about any of these items.  I just loves these products!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, Krazy Coupon Lady.... I've been looking for other options lately! Thanks for sharing! My couponing is in need of a new start.
