Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kitchen Cabinet Decor

I must admit that I am not the biggest fan of my kitchen and I haven't been very motivated to do anything to change it, mainly because the thing I cannot stand the most are my countertops (that are an awful ceramic tile) and well, it probably won't be awhile until we can change them :(  So, I finally got on the ball and decided to spice up my kitchen with a little touch of color by decorating the top of my kitchen cabinets.  I had a bunch of coupons for Joann's and didn't spend more than $30 on some silk flowers, a shelf, some cute containers, etc.  I also rounded up some things around the house that were just hiding in a closet and painted a couple things and this is what I came up with......



One day the cabinets will get a facelift with paint & new hardware, but until then this brightens up my kitchen!

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Can't wait to see tonight. The cabinets are beautiful, I would just get some pretty hardware and that will really make them look great!
